Basic Guidance On Locating Important Details For Grass Fed Whey
egg white?! brown rice?!), it can be tough to land on the best protein powder for you that's free of icky ingredients and a smart add to your pantry. Whether you're a meat-eating gal or devout vegan, there's an option out there for you. We asked Health's resident nutrition pro, Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD, how to find the best match. Most women need no more than 15 to 25 grams of protein in a meal, which is roughly the amount you get from a 3-ounce cooked chicken breast. If your powder has more than that per serving, use less of it. And don't assume that if you're using a plant-based powder, there's less protein per scoop. Analyze the ingredient label with a sharp eye. If your protein is marketed as a specific type (whey, casein, or brown rice, for example), then it should be the first ingredient on the list. Skip products with added sugars, as well as artificial flavors and sweeteners. Certain brands may also contain caffeine, so double check the amount to avoid...